March 31, 2025


Hello everyone! My name is Cody Kubiak. I’m a 30 year old 2 time Kidney transplant recipient that has fought kidney disease and more since birth. This is my first post as I slowly learn how to do all this. I’m starting this blog as a way to spread my story, help others and create a space where hopefully many other fellow transplant donors and recipients can gather information.

I always felt that there needs to be better resources for those like myself who deal with or have dealt with kidney failure. Not to diminish any illness, but you always see ads and campaigns for Heart disease, Breast Cancer, Stroke, AIDS etc. But you see very little to no info about Kidney Disease. As of July 2019 just in America alone the estimated number of people suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease is 37 million. Which is one out of every 7 or 15% of the adult population.

So if so many people have Kidney disease, then why no big campaigns? Why don’t I see commercials spreading awareness? Why don’t I see ads, billboards, magazine articles or more about it? I always thought we need more awareness.

So that’s what this blog is hoping to achieve. Just a place to put your story out if you’re looking for a kidney. A place to find information on transplant life and how to cope and deal with the many hurdles that follow. I always said there’s no manual to this life. My parents never had a guidebook to how to handle some things I dealt with growing up. So hopefully this page gets spread around and I truly hope you find inspiration and hope in my story. I hope this page grows into a place for transplant patients and donors to come to get the information they need. I feel like I can explain this all in easier terms than I Doctor might be able to in some ways. I’ll be very honest and open with this talking about a very wide range of subjects over time. So anyways, let’s get to spreading the word and helping folks!

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